Saturday, April 24, 2010

Be Still My Soul

Music is a gift from God. It engages both the heart and mind to focus us in way like none other.

David, the shepherd king, wrote music to express all kinds of emotions and thoughts. You can find David's songs in the Book of Psalms. In some, he offers praise to God. In others, he confesses his sin. Sometimes, he just delights in God's word.

Some songs have stayed with me my whole life. During my college days, there were what felt like desperate times to me. How would I make it through all that needed to be done? Who did God want me to be? What did He want me to do?

During those days, I came across a song by Russ Taff titled, "Be Still my Soul." I remember listening to that song over and over again from an old vinyl lp.

This morning, while reading Psalm 46 during devotions, I was reminded of this great song. I thought I'd share it with you. You'll have to get past the outmoded hairstyle and clothes. After all, it was 1983!