Sunday, March 22, 2009

Is God a Republican or a Democrat?

The other day someone asked my youngest daughter what made her parents mad. Her answer?


What I hoped to hear was something like – oh, I don’t know – maybe when others dishonor God, or injustice, or sin. But politics? Ouch.

What is it about politics that arouses such passion?

Recently, I’ve picked up Amy E. Black’s book, Beyond Left and Right: Helping Christians Make Sense of American Politics (Baker Books 2008).
In it, Dr. Black, a Wheaton College political science professor, suggests four principles to guide Christians developing a framework for thinking about politics.

  1. We all “see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror” (I Corinthians 13:12a; New Living Translation) and therefore should exercise genuine humility when discussing politics.

  2. In other words, I don’t know it all, so I should stop acting like I do.

  3. The diversity of the body of Christ makes room for Christians to disagree on many political matters.

  4. Really? You mean since I don’t know it all, maybe I can learn something from a brother or sister in Christ with whom I disagree politically?

  5. The label “Christian” is for God and His work, not to validate human endeavors like politics.

  6. As much as I may hate to admit it, God is not a Republican or Democrat. He’s not a Liberal or Conservative. He’s not a mascot for one party or the other. When we take our politics and try to hang God’s name on it, we use His name in vain.

  7. Politics can and should be a means for demonstrating love in action and building the body of Christ.

  8. Jesus said, “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35; New Living Translation) How will others know we are followers of Christ? Not how we vote. Not what school of economics we adhere to. As the song says, “They’ll know we are Christians by our love.”

The next time someone asks my daughter what makes her parents mad, I hope she’ll be able to give a different answer.

      1 comment:

      1. I loved this! It is exactly what I want to say to people in the church. Christians on the Right or Left need to realize that we are all part of the body of Christ. We all have different gifts. We all see things from a different vantage point. We may not agree but we should at least listen to others who may have a very Biblical reason for their thinking.
